Thursday, June 12, 2008


Well, isn't it interesting, indeed? Scary Barry designates his VP Vetter, Jim Johnson, and lo and behold--the man is TAINTED---OH MY GOSH!!! It's politics as usual. The fact that Jim Johnson is completedly intertwined with the Countrywide and sub-prime mess makes this--same old, same old.

Well, well, well...Now Obama has to find someone like him, no attachments, no political skeletons, and


Good luck, Bar.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Welcome to My Blog


Like everyone else , I am going to express my political frustration here. I am not a pundit--although I thoroughly ENJOY listening to their sometimes inane--ahem--insane ideas--from both Dumbocrats and RePukebicans. My head is spinning; but regardless, I wanted Hillary Clinton, Madame President of the United States. So I am woeful and whine to the universe...

I am an Independent. It took me awhile to warm up to Hil-- but she is one tenacious, and focused candidate. She is, dare I say, "wicked" smart or according to my son, "scary" smart. WE need HER!

Thanks to the YouTube generation and all of the rhetorical fluffobama that's been going on--the younger generations have been "tweedledummed" and we will be done for.

Well, here I am. I WILL not stand for it. I am one person with one voice (fast fingers too) and I will be here to tell you. JUST SAY NO DEAL TO OBAMAMANIA.


You're my guy now.